Chaired by a former ironworker, the Construction Law Group has successfully defended clients for decades against construction accident personal injury claims. Our success is built on our familiarity with construction practices, union practices, and our knowledge of the intricacies of Sections 200, 240(1) and 241(6) of the New York State Labor Law, the Industrial Code, and the Workers’ Compensation Law. We have experience representing companies in every facet of the construction industry from owners, developers, and construction managers to general contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers. We handle high exposure matters involving death, dismemberment, traumatic brain injury, paralysis, as well as lower exposure fractures and soft tissue injuries.
Many construction contracts provide for indemnification with respect to third party liability claims. Courts, however, will grant indemnification only if you can demonstrate an unambiguous intent to be indemnified under the circumstances. We have a proven track record for transferring liability (full and partial) vertically to agents, contractors, and suppliers by virtue of contractual indemnification, as well as defending against questionable indemnification claims. Construction accident claims also present complex insurance issues. We have specialized insurance coverage attorneys to provide advice regarding rights and obligations under commercial liability and professional liability policies.
Our expertise allows us to quickly analyze a case and advise on the best resolution strategy. The high value of many construction accident claims have forced companies in the industry to fund a larger portion of their liability risk with high deductibles or self-insured retentions. With a former senior risk professional in the practice group, we understand the metrics of legal expenditures. We employ an efficient matter management model and advanced technology to ensure that a successful defense is also a cost-effective one.